Pork swirl

Pork swirl


  • 1.5 kg pork scotch
  • 200g fresh spinach
  • 250g bacon rashers
  • 100g dried prunes
  • 100g dried apricots
  • 2 tablespoons cracked black pepper


  1. Butterfly the pork neck and flatten with a mallet.
  2. Cover the pork with a layer of spinach, then 5 bacon rashers, top with prunes and apricots.
  3. Roll up the pork and truss tightly.
  4. Roll the outside in the cracked pepper.

Pork swirl ingredients

Pork, bacon (you must include all the ingredients from the label), spinach, prunes, apricots (you must include all the ingredients from the label), pepper.

Ingredients Listing – Disclaimer

All value added recipes must be sold with an ingredient listing on the label or the ingredient list must be easily provided when requested. We have provided the ingredients list above that must be customised according to the ingredients you source for the recipe.

*This ingredients listing will not be accurate until the ingredients used by the butcher are included. Australian Pork is not responsible for the accuracy of the customised ingredients listing.