The Green Paper workshop was held in August 2023 inviting representative of both Australian Pork Limited (APL) and APRIL Board members together with a range of producers, processors and research providers.
The Green Paper has, for the first time and in a single place, documented a snapshot of the myriad of challenges, opportunities, and (potential) targets for the Australian pork industry across the entire value chain, without a particular order of priority.

A green paper is an exploratory, open-ended, aims to stimulate discussion and debate, a consultation document, often a discussion paper outlining issues and challenges. 

The purpose is to translate the Green Paper into R&D initiatives that industry (including APL and APRIL) can address (short, medium, longer term).

The Green Paper is a not binding document which offers guidance to any positively interested party to align (or realign) their own R&D priorities to those sought by the pork industry.
