Managing manure and effluent
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01 January 2015
Completed Project
To better manage manure and effluent through National Agricultural Manure Management Program (NAMMP)
Manure emissions are a significant source of on-farm greenhouse gases (GHG) in intensive pig production. The quantification of emissions and mitigations from manure management in Australia has been limited.
These studies aimed to develop techniques to mitigate GHG emissions from land-applied livestock manures, gain an understanding of factors which affect GHG emissions, develop alternative handling and anaerobic processing technology for spent litter and understand the emissions resulting from the application of piggery manure compared to the baseline emissions from conventional fertilisers.
The findings were released as a series of factsheets (National Agricultural Manure Management Program NAMMP).
Value for producers:
For further information on environment, please contact Gemma Wyburn on 0419 610 212 or email: