Improving weaner growth and performance with strontium

Project goal

To determine the effectiveness of supplementing of pig diets with mineral strontium

Project summary

Strontium is a trace mineral which has been reported to increase bone volume and density. There is potential for strontium supplementation at low doses to improve the performance of growing pigs.

Value for producers:

  • Supplementing weaner pigs with strontium in a commercial environment can improve growth performance and feed efficiency.


  • Supplementation of 500 parts per million (ppm) of strontium during the weaner period supported higher average daily gain and had no effect on the daily feed intake, resulting in better feed efficiency. The supplementation also resulted in higher bodyweight and average daily weight gain, which persisted until day 49 of the treatment.
  • During the weaner period, pigs consumed approximately 10 kilograms of feed, therefore consuming 5 milligrams of strontium. This is a small economic cost which provides benefits to performance.
  • There was no benefit, either economic or in pig performance and growth, to supplementing strontium during the grower or finisher stages.
Research enquiries