As part of its Statutory Funding Agreement with the Commonwealth Government, Australian Pork Ltd (APL) is required to prepare and maintain an Evaluation Framework in line with APL’s Research, Development and Extension (RD&E) Program Framework. In 2019, AgTrans Research was contracted to examine the economic, environmental, and social impacts of APL’s investment in the Environment RD&E Program.
Value for producers:
- Confirms that APL Environment RD&E investment has delivered positive benefits to the Australian pig industry and other industry stakeholders.
- Based on two analyses, the benefit cost ratio for the total investment in all 21 projects could lie somewhere between 4.63 and 4.80 to 1.
- These results suggest that APL environment project investment has delivered positive benefits to the Australian pig industry and other industry stakeholders.
- As only three of nine impact types were able to be valued monetarily within the scope of this assessment, these results likely underestimate APL environment investment performance.