Technical activities to facilitate the implementation of the pending publication of meat inspection and disposition judgment standard AS4696in export-licensed abattoirs

Project goal

The project aimed to provide technical and training support for accepting and implementing the amended standard.

Project summary

There are several outcomes resulting from this project, including:


  • Approval of routine visual only post-mortem inspection for all commercial pigs
  • Amended disposition criteria for melanoma, and pneumonia/pleurisy and polyarthritis
  • Acceptance by all export markets of Australian pork of amendments to AS4696 as resulting from a WTO notification process conducted by ESB
  • A successful Public Consultation by Standards Australia that will result in gazettal of AS4696:2023 in early 2023.
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Research enquiries

For further information on pork quality, please contact Vaibhav Gole on 0436 934 763 or email: