Around 4% of sows are ‘Outdoor Bred, Raised Indoors on Straw’.

‘Outdoor Bred, Raised Indoors on Straw’ pork production means that breeding pigs: 

  • Live in open spaces 

  • Have free access to paddocks their entire adult life 

  • Have bedded shelter 

  • Have adequate feed and water  


Piglets are born and raised under these conditions until weaning. Then, they are moved to large barns with deep-litter bedding such as straw or rice hulls. They remain in these barns until sale.  

Similar to free range systems, outdoor paddocks must be rotated. This helps the nutrient build up and to restore soil structure.


If you’d like to buy ‘Outdoor Bred, Raised Indoors on Straw’ pork, look for the certified PorkMark logo.

Outdoor Bred Logo