Abattoir Biosecurity

Abattoirs are linked with many premises via vehicle movements. An abattoir contaminated with a disease-causing agent may generate a significant number of movements that may be associated with transmission of disease.

In an emergency animal disease event, these movements will need to be traced and investigated. This may disrupt normal business movements resulting in potential animal welfare issues associated with congestion on farms.

Biosecurity controls at abattoirs are therefore a very important element of the national biosecurity system.

Dirty vehicles and drivers are one of the highest risks for the spread of animal diseases.

Good transport biosecurity helps stop the transmission of animal diseases from one location to another. 

For vehicles and drivers this means:

  • Minimising cross-contamination at loading on farm and unloading at abattoirs.
  • High quality truck, trailer and cab washing and disinfection after unloading.
  • Driver PPE and decontamination. 

It is critical to undertake these activities routinely to ensure you avoid cross-contamination and GO CLEAN, to keep our industry, livelihood and Australia safe.