This month, we’re celebrating the release of the Australian pork industry’s 2023 Sustainability Framework Baseline Report, and the progress the industry has made in this space.

Since 1980, the industry has achieved a 73 per cent emissions reduction. Compared with other protein sources, pork is a low emissions protein, emitting just 3.3kg of greenhouse gases per kilo of liveweight and accounting for only 2 per cent of total agricultural emissions.

Highlights from the baseline report include:

  • Pork producers have embraced the circular economy:  
    • 78% of pork producers reuse effluent on crops;  
    • 49% use solar power;  
    • 44% recycle water on farm; and  
    • 58% compost bedding and manure.  
  • The industry is building the foundations for the future by investing in research, with over 10 higher degree research students are supported by the pork industry.  
  • The integrity of the product is at the core of the industry, with 89% of the industry covered by the APIQ quality assurance program.  

The pork industry contributes $6 billion to the economy in 2023 (baseline).  

You can find the report on our website here.