APL Constitution

The producer owned organisation supporting and promoting the Australian pork industry.

APL’s organisational structure provides for an open, transparent operation with strong corporate governance systems in place to clearly define the respective roles and responsibilities of the board and management and to ensure that APL acts within the law at all times, avoids conflict of interest and acts honestly and ethically in all business activities.

The board is responsible for ensuring that company funds are used to best advantage for the long-term benefit of Australian levy-paying producers and the industry more broadly. It strives to create member value by constructively engaging with management to ensure the appropriate development, execution and monitoring of the company’s agreed strategies.

The board delegates responsibility to the Chief Executive Officer for the effective management of the company. There are five divisional units within APL to develop, coordinate and implement programs to meet strategic directions. Details of the election or appointment of the different categories of directors are contained in the APL Constitution.

View the APL Constitution  


APL Statutory Funding Agreement 2025 - 2034

Australian Pork Limited (APL) was registered as a public not for profit company on 23 May 2000 following extensive industry consultation and with the support of Australian pork producers. APL represents the amalgamation of three separate bodies, the Australian Pork Corporation, the Pig Research and Development Corporation, and the Pork Council of Australia.

Funding for APL is primarily through statutory pig slaughter levies collected under the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Disbursement Act 2024 (Cth) with additional research specific funds provided by the Australian Government through matching payments. 

The current levy rate per carcase is $3.425, being made up of:

  • $2.25 Marketing levy (received by APL)
  • $1.00 Research & Development levy (received by APL); and
  • $0.175 for Pig Monitoring Residue Program (received by the National Residue Survey – NRS)

For more information on the levy, visit the Department's website.

The Statutory Funding Agreement with the Commonwealth of Australia provides APL with operating and reporting guidelines and performance principles.

View the APL Funding Agreement   


APL Innovation Plan